
Level of Difficulty: very easy.
Tour partner: Emily Daveluy (Emily wanted to kill me at the end of this ride. It was too long. sorry Emily!

Scenery: It is one of the best rides I have done in Canada. The stop at Crystal Beach was refreshing although we couldn't spot the bathrooms and had to change our swimsuits...behind a towel.

9:00 am. Greyhound bus Toronto-Niagara Falls
10:30 a.m. arrival at the Yellow Jersey in Niagara and rented the bikes. very friendly place.
11:00 Start ride
5:00 p.m. stop at Crystal Beach
6:30 Head back to the bus station via Snyder road (# 116)
10:00 p.m. under the darkness of the night we dropped the bikes at the shop (which was already closed) and ran to catch the last bus heading to Toronto. Unfortunately we did not make it on time, and hopped on the 1:00 a.m. bus. Exhausted...

What would I do differently?
I would leave Toronto earlier in order to return back earlier. Or, would stay overnight in the Niagara region.

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